5 yrs later

It’s been 5 yrs since graduating. It’s time to re-start this writing blog which helped me immensely during my research and studies. A way to put thoughts onto ‘paper’ which could be categorized and revisited for further research and scrutiny.

5 yrs later

It’s been 5 yrs since graduating. It’s time to re-start this writing blog which helped me immensely during my research and studies. A way to put thoughts onto ‘paper’ which could be categorized and revisited for further research and scrutiny.

Thesis Videos

It has been a while since my last post. In spirit of getting back into the blog and posting more on what I’m up to post-thesis, I think it’s appropriate to finally post the final 2-part video that wrapped up

Thesis Videos

It has been a while since my last post. In spirit of getting back into the blog and posting more on what I’m up to post-thesis, I think it’s appropriate to finally post the final 2-part video that wrapped up

/Thesis DONE!

This post is long overdue. I was planning on posting more as i was getting near the end, but it didn’t happen. but, everything is done, and submitted. there is also a two part video in the works (needing some

/Thesis DONE!

This post is long overdue. I was planning on posting more as i was getting near the end, but it didn’t happen. but, everything is done, and submitted. there is also a two part video in the works (needing some

/planning – 4 weeks to penultimate

It’s been over a week of rough nights…. and by rough nights i mean not being able to fall asleep. it’s been hard to shut down all the thoughts going through my head and try to get a good nights

/planning – 4 weeks to penultimate

It’s been over a week of rough nights…. and by rough nights i mean not being able to fall asleep. it’s been hard to shut down all the thoughts going through my head and try to get a good nights

Piano to Site Model Transformation – process

It’s been a while since my last post. I figured I’d try to post more often in the next few weeks as the end of the thesis is fast approaching… to help me focus on what needs to get done!

Piano to Site Model Transformation – process

It’s been a while since my last post. I figured I’d try to post more often in the next few weeks as the end of the thesis is fast approaching… to help me focus on what needs to get done!

the experiment – phase 1 – wasteful rooftops

The garbage is disposed on the rooftops as opposed to the streets.   Each resident is introduced to the cartonero in charge of their building/block.   They are educated on how to separate their trash, and the effects their recycling could have

the experiment – phase 1 – wasteful rooftops

The garbage is disposed on the rooftops as opposed to the streets.   Each resident is introduced to the cartonero in charge of their building/block.   They are educated on how to separate their trash, and the effects their recycling could have

/a story of a city

This is a story of a city. a city in trouble, a city taken over by greed, pride and corruption, a city where trust has been lost, a city that has loved, learned, and lost many, a city of contradictory

/a story of a city

This is a story of a city. a city in trouble, a city taken over by greed, pride and corruption, a city where trust has been lost, a city that has loved, learned, and lost many, a city of contradictory

/a city under construction

you build a city, you build more on the city, you maintain the city, you allow the city to be under construction, some for years, some for decades, who is to say how long this ‘construction’ goes on for? what

/a city under construction

you build a city, you build more on the city, you maintain the city, you allow the city to be under construction, some for years, some for decades, who is to say how long this ‘construction’ goes on for? what

Originally posted on dpr-barcelona:
Resist whatever seems inevitable. . Resist people who seem invincible. . Resist any idea that contains the word algorithm. . Resist the idea that architecture is a building. . Resist the idea that architecture can save the…

Originally posted on dpr-barcelona:
Resist whatever seems inevitable. . Resist people who seem invincible. . Resist any idea that contains the word algorithm. . Resist the idea that architecture is a building. . Resist the idea that architecture can save the…

/the different faces of Buenos Aires

While down in Buenos Aires over the holidays I was living with my wife in the southern part of the city, Outside the border of ‘Capital Federal‘ – the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires, As mentioned before, the South of

/the different faces of Buenos Aires

While down in Buenos Aires over the holidays I was living with my wife in the southern part of the city, Outside the border of ‘Capital Federal‘ – the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires, As mentioned before, the South of